

Registration is open now for Faith Formation classes serving pre-K through 7th grade. All grade  levels are scheduled on Sunday mornings from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Classes begin September 10.

First Communion preparation for faith formation students is a 2 year process which begins in first grade. If your child has NOT had the first year of classes, they cannot progress to the second year. Students that attended faith formation class in first grade will move to the second year. Public school students transferring from another parish must have completed faith formation for first grade.

Second grade students will receive Sacramental preparation for their First Reconciliation and First Communion. If you have an older child in need of Sacraments, we have a class for them.

A copy of the child’s baptismal certificate is required for first time registrants. 

We look forward to seeing you soon!

PARENTS/GUARDIANS: Please review and sign the commitment form below.

If you wish to pay by credit card for your CCD registration please use the secure link through Faith Direct:

Please note there are two categories for CCD (2nd grade/CIC and non-sacramental year). The fees are different and you must register under the correct category.



First Holy Communion 

First Reconciliation and First Communion preparation classes are held Sunday mornings from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. September through April.  It is expected students will attend Mass together prior to class in English at 8:45 a.m. or after class in Spanish at 12:15 p.m. Children must be pre-registered with the Religious Education Office with a copy of their Baptismal certificate. Registration begins in August.  Students attending St. Helen Catholic School receive religious instruction during the school day. For further information contact the Religious Education Office at 772-562-5954.

 Important Things to Know to Receive Communion

1.      Knowing the Life of Jesus

  • Jesus is the Son of God. Mary is Jesus’ mother.
  • Jesus taught people how to follows God’s rules of love.
  • Jesus gave us the Eucharist at His Last Supper with His friends.
  • He died on the cross to save us from sin and death.
  • He rose from the dead.
  • Jesus is with God His Father. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to always help God’s Family. 

2.      Knowing the Difference Between Communion and Ordinary Bread and Wine

  • When Mass begins, the bread and wine are not Jesus.
  • At Mass, the bread and wine become Jesus at the consecration when the priest says the words of Jesus: “This is My body” and “This is My blood.”     
  • The bread and wine do not seem different in any way after they become Jesus. They seem to be bread and wine – they look and taste and feel the same, but they are really Jesus. 
  • When you receive the Host in Communion, you are really receiving Jesus. Jesus is fully present in the Host.  Jesus is also fully present when you receive Communion from the cup.

3.      Showing the Desire to Receive Communion

  • Jesus gave us the Eucharist because He loves us.
  • People want to receive Jesus. They love Jesus. They want Jesus to help them show love. They want to share in the Meal of God’s Family.