Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Summary: RCIA focuses on Christian initiation of adults through the reception of the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and the Eucharist. Sessions focus on the teachings of the Church and prepare individuals for the Catholic way of life.
Responsibilities: The RCIA team member displays the gift of hospitality and a welcoming spirit while sharing his or her love of the Catholic faith and Church. A group facilitator will share his or her faith and knowledge of the Catholic Church. An RCIA sponsor and prayer partner will “journey” with the catechumens and candidates. Retreat team members will plan and execute a one day retreat at the culmination of our year.
Time Commitment: Ninety minutes weekly. Meet at the 8:45 a.m. Sunday Mass. After Mass, class begins. Meetings are September through mid December, then January through April. A printed schedule will be available through the Religious Education Office.
Contact: Paige Fies, Director of Religious Education, 772-562-5954, E: pfies@sthelenvero.org