Purpose: This Assembly is composed of 4th Degree Knights from St. Helen and Holy Cross Churches. We promote patriotism and dedication to our nation’s ideals and we share with all Knights the principles of charity, unity, and fraternity. Membership is open to all 3rd Degree Knights in good standing.
Responsibilities: Our members promise to uphold those whose duty it is to administer the law; to defend the flag of our country, and the principles for which it stands, to maintain unity, and to practice the virtues of charity and brotherly love. We also encourage these ideals within the parish school and local community and we donate money to worthy organizations. Our Color Corps performs ceremonial duties at church events and at funerals for deceased Knights.
Time Commitment: We gather for a brief business meeting on the last Thursday of each month at 11:45 a.m. at Msgr. Nugent Hall. This is followed by lunch and a social hour. We work closely with various veteran organizations in IRC, while additional time is given to support fundraisers and special events as needed.
Contact: Ron Hunkapiller, Faithful Navigator, 914-536-0248, E: Rhunk49@gmail.com